In this interview, we delve into the remarkable story of how Alison Godfrey, the President and Co-Founder of STEM For Flathead Valley Schools, embarked on her path to success in the world of STEM education. Join us as Alison shares her experiences, notable accomplishments, leadership style, and the values that have guided her along the way. Discover what sets STEM For Flathead Valley Schools apart from other organizations, how Alison navigated the challenges of gender biases in the industry, and her aspirations for the future. Get ready to be inspired by Alison’s journey as a leader and her relentless pursuit of excellence in the field of STEM education.
The Significance of Women’s Day
For Alison Godfrey, Women’s Day holds a deeper meaning in the current political climate. She believes that women have made incredible strides in fields that were once heavily male-dominated, securing promotions and titles of responsibility. However, she also sees efforts to reverse this progress and promote male domination once again. Women’s Day serves as a reminder that this fight is far from over. Alison emphasizes that it should not be just a single day of recognition but a continuous effort to ensure that women’s rights and achievements are upheld.
Challenges Faced as a Woman in STEM
During the early years of her engineering career, Alison Godfrey found herself in an industry dominated by men, many of whom had never worked with female technical professionals. Some made snide or even offensive remarks behind her back, while others held a quiet bias. To gain respect, Alison had to work harder than her male counterparts, proving her competence time and again. She remained confident, participated actively in discussions, and consistently delivered excellent work. Over time, she earned the respect of her colleagues and took on leadership roles.
However, when she moved to the Southwest, she encountered a deeply ingrained “good ol’ boy” network that promoted far less competent men to leadership roles. Despite the barriers, Alison’s expertise and determination led to a significant promotion, proving that women can still succeed in male-dominated industries.
Defying Gender-Based Limitations
Alison was never explicitly told she “couldn’t” do something because of her gender. Growing up in a military family, she moved frequently and was always encouraged to pursue her interests. In college and her early career, she rarely encountered female mentors or role models in technical fields, but she never let that deter her. She built her path through resilience, proving that gender should never dictate one’s capabilities.
Overcoming Significant Obstacles
One of the biggest obstacles Alison overcame in her career was dealing with male egos. Many older men, unfamiliar with working alongside technical women, were hesitant to acknowledge her capabilities. Others came from cultures where women were seen as secondary. Overcoming these biases required persistence, confidence, and a track record of excellence that made it impossible to ignore her contributions.
Expectations for Women in Leadership
Alison has observed that expectations for women in leadership vary based on workplace culture. Some companies treat female leaders equally, while others impose higher standards on them. Pay parity has also been an ongoing challenge. Fortunately, in her later career, she has experienced more balanced expectations, with leadership roles being respected regardless of gender. She believes open communication and mutual understanding are key to creating an inclusive workplace.
The Absence of Female Mentors
Starting in a male-dominated field, Alison never had female mentors. Her only real female role model was her mother, a nurse who demonstrated that women could take on professional and responsible roles outside the home. One of the most influential figures in her life was a college professor who encouraged her to push beyond her fears. His advice stayed with her throughout her career, shaping her determination and willingness to take on new challenges.
Breaking Misconceptions About Female Success
One of the most frustrating misconceptions Alison wants to break is the idea that women are promoted for reasons other than merit. She asserts that women earn their success through hard work, competence, and confidence, not by exploiting relationships or receiving special treatment. Her journey is proof that women in leadership rise because they have the skills, knowledge, and determination to succeed.
A Single Word to Describe the Journey
If Alison had to choose one word to encapsulate her journey, it would be tenacity. She has always been determined, persistent, and confident in her abilities. She never allowed her gender to be a barrier, knowing she was just as capable as, if not more than, her male peers. At the same time, she recognized her own limitations and was never afraid to seek guidance when needed.
Rejecting Stereotypes About Women in Leadership
One stereotype Alison refuses to accept is the assumption that women don’t earn their leadership roles. She has witnessed skepticism about female leaders’ competence, but she firmly believes that women in leadership earn their positions through dedication, intelligence, and hard work.
The Future of Women in STEM and Leadership
Alison is optimistic about the evolving role of women in STEM and leadership. She has seen a dramatic shift in gender representation in technical fields, with more women entering industries that were once male-dominated. However, she also acknowledges increasing challenges to gender equality in the political and corporate landscape. She believes that women must continue to fight for their rights, particularly as policies threaten to undermine past progress.
Inspiring and Uplifting the Next Generation
Through her work with STEM For Flathead Valley Schools, Alison actively inspires young girls to pursue careers in STEM. She works with students across multiple school districts, teaching rocket science and robotics. She ensures that her female students understand that women are respected and successful in engineering and science. She challenges both boys and girls to strive for excellence, noting that girl-led teams consistently outperform their male counterparts in competitions.
A Message to Women on Women’s Day
Alison’s message to women around the world is simple yet powerful: Keep challenging yourself and those around you. Stay confident and never give up. Boys need to be taught at a young age, and continuing as they grow up, to be respectful toward the opposite sex and that girls/women are just as capable in all things, except in physical strength. Girls and women do not need different rules and expectations. Schools also need to understand this—Alison sees this issue through her organization’s working within schools. Specifically, from stricter dress codes for girls to outdated expectations and subtle coaching that girls prepare for being housewives. Similarly, girls must also understand that they are capable of anything—not just limited roles. Girls and boys alike should grow up knowing they can achieve anything without preset expectations.
Big Goals for 2025
In 2025, Alison aims to expand her robotics engineering curriculum into more schools. She has already introduced structured engineering and programming education in a few schools and hopes to reach elementary levels as well. By doing so, she hopes to increase female participation in STEM from an early age. She takes pride in knowing that her work has already inspired young women to pursue engineering degrees, and she is determined to continue making a lasting impact.
A Legacy of Strength and Empowerment
As we conclude this insightful interview with Alison, it’s clear that her journey is not just about overcoming obstacles but about leaving a lasting legacy of empowerment and resilience. Alison’s determination to rise above societal limitations has set the stage for future generations to follow in her footsteps. Her work is not just about success but about paving the way for others to find their voice and embrace their power.
On this Women’s Day, let Alison’s story remind us all that no matter the challenges we face, we each have the ability to conquer them and inspire others along the way. Her message is clear: Rise, Women Rise! With self-love, resilience, and a commitment to change, there is no limit to what we can achieve. Alison’s journey is a shining example of what it means to rise above, stand tall, and create a world where all women are given the respect and opportunities they deserve.
As we celebrate the strength and determination of women around the world, let us carry Alison’s words with us as a call to action: Embrace your power, lift one another up, and never stop believing in the incredible potential that resides within each of you.
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